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Client Testimony

"Month three I started seeing some changes. Something I subconsciously knew wasn’t right, but could never really figure out the lever to pull to fix it. I had back pain daily on my right side, and my abdomen would hurt when I pushed on it, but in a way that is hard to describe and figure out how to fix. During the 3rd month of the protocol, the full moon where I was upping my supplements, I was starting to see liver flukes pass. The back pain was gone! What, are you meaning to tell me the back pain that I had tried a laundry list of things to fix such as dry needling, chiropractic care, myofacial release, acupuncture, massages, seeing my PCP, as well as me doing a lot of stretching/myofacial release at home was gone? Mostly yes. Now I only feel twinges in that area right before passing some parasites/toxins. Subconsciously I always knew this wasn’t right, and I am too young to have this back pain daily where it limited my activity something as simple as walking or doing the dishes. Life changing!"
Healthy assortment of yellow foods

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